A Success Story in Hyperautomation and B-Brand Innovation


Moi Mobiili wanted to completely reshape the way mobile operators work. The core of Moi’s business model is looking at things from the customer’s perspective. With their business based on the process-centric approach, Moi can tailor and develop their services for target audiences in an agile way.

Moi is the 100% digital, next-generation mobile operator.

People using a tablet
The Moi challenge

When we started working with Moi, they had a vision to design and build an all-digital operator which had never been done before in this industry.

Existing telco systems are big and heavy, making it difficult – often almost impossible – to launch new services and businesses. Furthermore, the processes are typically built from a production point-of-view into those heavy systems.

For instance, if invoicing processes are built into the IT systems, changing the invoicing requires changing the whole system. In this way, the systems are standing in the way of customer-centric service.

In industries like this, process innovations can really set you apart. Moi’s founders had been in the telco industry for a long time, and they knew what was needed was the ability to quickly build processes that could be altered in an agile way to fit ever-evolving customer needs. This could never be achieved using traditional heavy telco systems.

Mun Moi
The Mun Moi application makes it easy for customers to manage their own orders.
What is the process-centric approach?

Process-centric development (or process-driven development) is a means to align IT systems with business processes in a way that the business processes remain independent of the IT systems, and processes are guiding the systems.

Business processes are captured and modelled using Business Process Model Notation (BPMN). Modeling business processes using BPMN enables us to have visibility over the business processes, systems, integrations and their effects.

The process-centric model enables creating new kinds of business, products and services, as processes are not limited by or tied to existing systems. It’s a way to eliminate the problem of “we want to create a new service or product that the customers want, but our IT systems don’t allow it or it’s too complicated”.

The process-centric approach can be applied whether you are starting to build a new business or service from scratch, or when you’re adding new services to existing but inflexible IT architecture. It’s particularly useful in industries that are creating or adapting to change, have multiple complex systems and rely highly on processes, such as the energy or manufacturing sectors.

Process model
In the process-centric approach, the customer process is not built inside of the systems (J1, J2, J3) as opposed to the traditional approach. The process remains independent of the systems.

“We built Moi’s BSS, including billing, webshops, self-service apps, marketing tools, process and organisation in less than eight months. I could say the price tag was 10-100 times lower than with most operator projects.“

Quote by
Kalle Vuoristo
The solution

Together with Moi and other development parties, we helped design and implement a fully digital business model.

One of the innovative ideas of this project is the NoSQL based microservice architecture orchestrated by business process engines. Built with minimal coding and by utilising proven high-level commercial and open-source products, the system is less vulnerable to time and the people working on it. Components have been selected with a best-of-breed approach, without limiting thinking to what had already been done in the Mobile segment.

The backbone of the Moi stack, the Business Process Automation Platform, makes all the pieces work together but at the same time, any piece can be replaced. Business Process Automation also makes processes visible and measurable. It’s easy to find bottlenecks in process on the fly and react.

The solution scales well to telco loads, is flexible to accommodate innovating new products for customers and easily maintained. It meets the tight regulation requirements of the telco sector, enabling access to data required for regulatory purposes as well as business analysts.

In Moi’s business, the customer process is always the leading variable. Their business processes are highly automated, and Moi is able to run a digital operator service with only 6 full-time employees.

Get in touch

For information on how we can transform your sector or business, please get in touch using the contact details below.


Street address:
Siltasaarenkatu 4
00530 Helsinki, Finland

Julieta Arenas
Julieta Arenas

Office Operations Manager

+358 445 669 165julieta@tx.company